
High School Placement Test, Pre-HSPT and Placement

High School Placement Test

The High School Placement Test (HSPT) is a nationally recognized standardized test that is used as part of the admissions process at Bishop Ireton High School. The test is for current 8th grade students that are applying to a Catholic high school in the Diocese of Arlington. The two and a half hour timed exam includes subject areas consisting of verbal skills, quantitative skills, reading, mathematics and language skills. The results of the HSPT are used as part of both admissions consideration and scholarship consideration as well as to determine course placement should the student be admitted to Bishop Ireton High School.
The HSPT may only be taken once, and the test can only be taken by 8th grade students.
Students attending Catholic schools within the Diocese of Arlington will take the exam at their school. Eighth graders who are NOT currently enrolled in a Catholic school in the Arlington Diocese (students attending public school or other private schools) must register to take the exam at Bishop Ireton (or another school offering the HSPT). Scores are sent to the school/s that the student indicates on the testing form on the day of testing.
Space is limited and pre-registration is required.  
Information specific to arrival, departure procedures and what to bring for testing at Bishop Ireton High School will be sent to the email address entered on the registration form as the date nears. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Admissions Office at

Thursday, December 5, 2025
- Students attending Catholic schools within the Diocese of Arlington will take the HSPT at their school. Do not register to test at Bishop Ireton if the student will be testing at their school.

Saturday, December 7, 2024 (recommended test) - The HSPT is administered at Bishop Ireton for students who attend public schools or other private schools. The snow date is December 9.

Saturday, January 11, 2025 - The HSPT is administered at Bishop Ireton for students who attend public schools or other private schools and were unable to attend the December 7 testing date. The snow date is January 25. Students testing on this date will still be considered in the first round of application reviews as long as all other application items have been received by 12/16/24.

WHERE: Bishop Ireton High School, 201 Cambridge Rd., Alexandria, VA  2231

TIME: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

COST: $50 Registration Fee

Students with a documented Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Service Plan that states the need for specific testing accommodation(s) on standardized tests will be given those accommodations.

The Diocesan expectation for extra time on extended testing is equal to 1 1/2 times the regular testing time for those students with the appropriate IEP or Service Plan. Only those students in possession of a valid IEP or Service Plan will receive testing accommodations. 

Students qualifying for accommodations must submit a copy of their IEP or Service Plan at the time of registration (sent via email to to qualify for these accommodations.

They must be received no later than November 15, 2024 for the December exam and December 16, 2024 for the January exam in order to properly accommodate. Testing accommodations are offered at all of the diocesan high schools that are offering the test. 

The December 6 date is the preferred HSPT testing date. The January date should only be used if there is a conflict. There are no additional testing dates after the January test. Please be sure to block your calendar for the testing date and snow date as we have had to use the snow date in the past.

Pre-High School Placement Test

The Pre-HSPT is a practice version of the High School Placement Test students will take in the fall of 8th grade as part of the application process. The test is 2.5 hours long and contains timed multiple choice sections. The Pre-HSPT scores are not used by Bishop Ireton. The test is simply meant to provide students with an opportunity to take the exam to get an idea of what to expect in the fall.  There are no testing accommodations provided for the Pre-HSPT as it is a practice test.  

Who: Rising 8th graders (students who will have completed 7th grade in June 2025)
Date: Summer 2025
Time: Arrival 8:30am (test starts at 8:45 am) - pick up 12 pm
Cost: $50 per tester - non-refundable

Click here to join the interest list for the PreHSPT that will occur in Summer 2025. This is for students who will have completed 7th grade in the 24-25 school year.  

Freshman Placement Exams

Freshman Placement Exams are given to 8th grade students after the student has enrolled at Bishop Ireton. They occur at the end of May/June of their 8th grade year. The exams help determine class placement for 9th grade at Bishop Ireton. Below is a list of Diocesan placement exams that Bishop Ireton uses for determining a student's mastery of a particular subject. Information is provided in the acceptance packet regarding specific dates. 

List of 2 items.

  • Algebra I and Geometry Placement Test and Exemption Information

    Only students who are currently enrolled in or have completed a full-year Algebra I course may take the Algebra I exam and only students who are currently enrolled in or have completed a full year Geometry course may take the Geometry exam. A calculator is permissible for the Geometry exam only.

    To be exempted from Algebra I and take Honors Algebra II/Trigonometry during freshman year, the entering student must meet all the following criteria:

    • 85th percentile or higher on the quantitative math section of the HSPT
    • 77% or higher on the Diocesan Algebra Exam
    • Grade of B or higher in Algebra I in 7th or 8th grade
    To be exempted from BI Geometry class, entering students must meet all the following criteria:

    • 85th percentile or higher on the quantitative math section of the HSPT
    • 77% or higher on the diocesan Geometry exam
    • Grade of B or higher in 8th grade Geometry and 7th grade Algebra I

    Qualifications for taking Honors Algebra I as a freshman:
    • B+ or higher in 8th grade math
    • 90 percentile or higher on the math section of the HSPT
    Students who have taken Algebra I previously and who score 60-76 percent on the Diocesan Algebra Placement Exam are enrolled in Honors Algebra I.

    All other students take Algebra I freshman year.
  • World Language Diocesan Placement Exams

    This exam is required for registered incoming students who wish to be placed in a level II or higher world language class their first year at Bishop Ireton High School.
    Students attending diocesan grades schools who take the exam at their elementary school do not need to take it at Bishop Ireton.

    Students must complete through level three of a World Language with at least two years taken at Bishop Ireton or two years of one World Language followed by two years of another World Language at Bishop Ireton.

Placement Exams

Registration for the 2024 Placement Exams will be provided in the student acceptance packet.


P: (703) 751-7606
F: (703) 212-8173
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